
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Varias Cosas

UNO!: So I decided to bring Uno cards down to Nica with me (thanks mom!).  The kids in my family love it.  It’s really quite a sight.  3 Americans all too old to be playing uno (and gringo for that matter) and 4 Nicas arguing over the rules, pointing and yelling at each other.  Needless to say, it’s a lot of fun.

Youth group: As I mentioned earlier, as part of our training with need to start a youth group.  Our second meeting was Thursday (while I was incapacitated/spending long sessions with la latrina) but it went really well.  There were 18 kids and some had some great ideas for products and services.  Hopefully we can run a SWOT analysis with them and start creating our business plan for the big competition in July!

Family Tree: A good get-to-know-you activity with my family was showing and then creating family trees.  I drew my tree and showed them pictures of mi familia y novia (they thought you ladies were very bonita.  Winner).  The next night, I began the process of deciphering how large and complicated Nica families are.  Long story short my family is huge.  Like if you combine Luvy y Carlos fam’s together it’s getting close 60 people.  And that’s only the people who are alive, the deceased don’t get a spot on the tree which I thought was sad.  Anyway, about 15 of them live on our plot of land and another 15 live a block and a half away (Yes indeed 15 other people are using my same shower and latrine).  The most common professions are artisans (paint wooden things like yo-yos), chuffer de mototaxis, maestros, and bread makers (yummo).  Here’s a foto of a foto of me and my Nica fam.

Which one of these is not like the other?
Roommate: I got a roommate!  Yup, his name is Maurice the murcielago (bat).  Now I love Christian Bale’s raspy Batman voice as much as the next guy (“SWEAR TO ME!”) but this is a little much.  At some point during the night he flies into my room (the walls aren’t connected to the ceiling) and defecates on the floor.  This has been going on for the past 4 nights so if any of you could put me in contact with the Scarecrow or Joker, I’d really appreciate it.

Lagoon: What our tiny rustic pueblo may lack in indoor plumbing does make up by having quite a nice lagoon several kilometers away.  We hiked down and spent a wonderful Memorial Day swimming and soaking up the sun (I was apparently a sponge for the strong Nica sun and am now tasty medium rare).

Lagoon de Masaya

Shout outs: I have to give props to the super nice people who mailed me letters: Lexie and Michelle.  THANKS!  I’m sure the letters from the rest of you were held up at the post office and I’ll get them on soon…

1 comment:

  1. I'm really traumatized by the whole bat thing. Have you ever actually seen him, or just his regalos for you?
