
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Contact Info

Now I'm sure you're all wondering, "But Pete, what if reading your blog isn't enough?  Do I have to use smoke signals and carrier pigeons?!"  Never fear, I present you with several options.
  1. EMAIL  I have a new email address, pstephan2@gmail.com.  In the event my treehouse in the rain forest has internets this will be the best way to communicate.
  2. INSTANT MESSAGE  In the event emailing doesn't fulfill your necessary Pete quota, you can Gchat me.  To do this: send me an email and voila!  I'll gchat and/or video chat you when the rain forest internet gods permit me so.
  3. PHONE  Say, hypothetically, you miss the soothing sound of my voice, I have a new phone number: 630.909.9063.  This is my VoIP number.  That means you can call, text, and leave me voicemails like a normal phone and I'll respond when I'm not too busy making human sacrifices at Volcano Nicaragua.
  4. SKYPE  In case California has an earthquake/tsunami as is all the rage right now and causes google to stop working, I may hop on skype now and again.  Add me to your contacts: peter.j.stephan.
  5. FACEBOOK  Duh?
  6. SNAIL MAIL  All else fails and you have money to burn, you can physically mail me things.  Keep in mind it takes about 5 weeks and people will open my mail and steal stuff.  My address until August 10th is:
PCT Peter Stephan
Cuerpo de Paz ~ Nicaragua
Apartado Postal # 3256
Managua, Nicaragua, Centro América

 And last, but certainly not least, YOU CAN COME VISIT ME!  I know Nicaragua may not be the most desirable or comfortable vacation destination (hah) but I promise it'll be funnnnnnn!  The Peace Corps permits me to have visitors starting in October so start saving those vacation days!


  1. October?! Make up your mind.

    Also - I thought the monkey butler was going to physically carry your letters back and forth between Nica and the States? If I'm forced to 'pay for stamps', I might have to back-pedal on all those snail mail promises...
