
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Iron Chef Battle Nicaragua—Secret Ingredient: Boring

I’ve had a lot of questions about what I’m eating.  I’ll break it down by meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Desayuno: Is the smallest meal but, is by no stretch on the imagination, small.  The past two days I’ve had a mountain of fruit salad including pineapple, banana, watermelon and cantaloupe.  A side of sweet bread or fried eggs is probable as well.

Almuerzo: Big but not quite Spain-gorge-yourself-till-you-want-to-vomit big but big nonetheless.  Rice and beans are staples.  As in, I’ve been here for a week and ALWAYS had them.  It’s now a game I play called “What will my rice and beans come with today?”  I’ve had chicken, beef, plantains, cheese and meatballs.

Gallo Pinto sopa

Cena:  Is shockingly similar to lunch.  In fact, I’m pretty sure she makes a metric gross ton of rice and beans and serves them again.  But sometimes she’ll mix up the form.  Now since it’s the rainy season (winter) we’ve had soup twice.  Tonight’s version was a gallo pinto soup with two hard boiled eggs.

Carlitos enjoying his chicken and meatball soup

The food is edible in nearly all instances. Minus an overly salted cheese, I’ve eaten everything on my plate.  No iguana or genitalia yet…(knocking on my small wooden table)  That being said, not everything is great.  What I mean by that is it’s BORING.  I can handle the food.  I can even handle the same food repeatedly.  What is beginning to drive me crazy is the lack of taste.  Besides salt and a couple onions, it’s been the equivalent of eating, well, rice and beans every day.  I’m not complaining though.  I’m getting plenty to eat and with my one-a-day vitamins I’m staying healthy!

Make me jealous and tell me what you’re eating stateside!


  1. i am in San Francisco and today I had Mahi Mahi and Shrimp over Mashed potatoes... I had Coconut encrusted shrimp as an appetizer with a mango habanero salsa. It wasn't the best Mahi Mahi i've ever had, but i guess it was ok...

    Who knows maybe I will make a Steak-um tomorrow for lunch.

  2. turns out I did not have a steak-um for lunch yesterday. I had Pizza in Little Italy, and today I had In-n-out burger. Not all it's cracked up to be, I prefer 5 guys burgers and fries

  3. Just got done eating White Castle! I think I saw one in one of your pictures, behind your condo.
