
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Moving on out

Quick summary of my weekend.  Friday and Saturday I was at the beach (for work) with all of the business volunteers in the country.  I sat on a panel about competition planning and helped organize the PCVs who will be coordinating with my professors to ensure that my students are included.  Saturday afternoon, we finished in time to throw a frisbee around on the beach.

If I have to work on a Saturday, at least it's here

Then I made the long trek back up to site.  And I was not alone.  No, I traveled with my 9 water filters.  It was difficult to organize safe transportation for so much stuff (some of it breakable) but everything worked out.  And by that, I mean I left 1 of the 5 filter pieces on the bus and had to coordinate with the bus driver today to pick it up the next day.

I swear they're happy they have filters...
Also, I’m moving out.  For the “casual” readers of my blog (shame on you), next week I start a 3 week / 4000+ mile journey by bus, boat, taxi, plane, foot, raft, kayak, swimming, hitchhiking and strategic falling around Central America and eventually home to Chicago. Therefore, I had to offload all of my things:

My Nicaraguan life in a pickup truck

Empty Nica home

Total price = $175.  I’m taking a loss but got a good use out of everything so I’m content.  I've officially moved out and am staying in Esteli for 2 night before I finally COS in Managua Thursday morning, AH EXCITEMENT!

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