
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Heeeeeeere’s SUMMER!  Last week the warm weather arrived with a vengeance.  I wish I could tell you how boiling lava hot it is here but I don’t think there’s an accurate weather service for middle-of-nowhere-northern-Nicaragua.  So here’s my best guess.

6:15am: when I begin to wake up I’m delightfully cold.  I wrap myself in my paper thin bed sheet and turn off my fan.  Temperature?  74 degrees.
8:00am: uh oh.  The sun is up in full force.  I am no longer comfortable and hide in the shade like vampire.  Best guess temp?  80 degrees.
11:15am: it’s officially gross out.  I drink water like a fish and any physical activity more intense than drawing charts on a chalkboard is ruled out.  90 degrees.
3:30pm: danger zone!  Retreat back home and change into shorts while cranking my fan up to full blast.  Try to slip into a coma until winter arrives.  96 hellish degrees.
5:45pm: I begin functioning again.  The sun is setting so I’m released from my self-imposed quarantine.  Back down to 90 degrees.
9:45pm: bedtime.  The zinc roof has cooled off so you can no longer fry an egg on it.  A well-deserved cold shower makes life bearable again. 82 degrees.

Short story long.  While I’m awake, it’s almost always above 80 degrees.  How uncomfortable does this get without temperature control?  Best example, it makes eating difficult.  Food always tastes better above room temp, right?  Well my “room” temperature is above 90 degrees for 6 hours every day.  Therefore, there’s about a 5 minute window between when the food is too hot and “room” temperature.  And let me tell you, eating boiled unseasoned beans and rice at room temperature is quite the culinary experience…

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