
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hotel Palacagüina

For my dedicated readers, I’ve been working with a local coffee cooperative about marketing their coffee domestically.  After months of researching and writing a marketing plan, they have decided to pursue a different direction.  While this is INCREDIBLY frustrating, I left them a clear document with easy steps they can do to improve their market share through distribution and advertising.

On the other hand, this change in direction takes me in the direction I wanted to go in the first place, their hotel.  On their expansive property, they have a reasonably nice hotel.  Each of the 7 rooms has air-conditioning, internet and flat screen TVs.  I’m hoping to do a couple things.  First, they should spruce up their website (or at least make it grammatically correct).  Then create an informal “press release” for travel guides and brochures.  Any other recommendations or people with graphic design abilities are appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Visited the website - the translations to English actually add a bit of charm to their descriptions :-) I absolutely LOVE the wagon wheel rockers. How many can you fit in your bag when you come home?!?! xo Auntie
