
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Sunday was the fiesta patronal of Masatepe, the city of 15,000 next door to our sleepy pueblo.  Hipica is another one of Nica things that’s hard to explain because it just doesn’t happen in the good old US of A.  So let me set the scene for you.  Picture Mardi Gras (tens of thousands of people drinking in the streets) but remove the organized parade floats.  Now insert hundreds of random people riding horses down the main street dressed in everything from wife-beaters to flamenco dresses.  Welcome to Hipica.  It was AWESOME.  Entire communities getting together outside having unadulterated fun should happen more often.

Of course what was not mentioned was that people come from far and wide to attend the Hipica.  Unfortunately that includes the seasoned veteran pickpockets of Managua.  Enter poor judgment Pedro.  Yes, after successfully navigating my way through multiple countries, at ungodly hours and not speaking local languages, I was finally robbed.  No, I did not lose my life savings.  Really, I just feel like an idiot.  Very atypical of me, I brought my wallet with me because I needed to use the bank (Nandasmo is so small we don’t have a bank).  Don’t fear, my USA debit card, credit card, passport, Peace Corps ID and USD spending money are safely hidden in my room back home with the host family.  The scene: at several points during the parade, the inebriated horse riders would get too close to the crowd which would cause a mosh-pit to avoid being trampled.  By the time I caught my balance, my wallet had walked off.  So congratulations, thief, I hope you enjoy the laminated copy of my highschool diploma, expired CPR card and Old Chicago World Beer Tour pass.  I guess he’ll be happy with 200 cords ($8) and my “just-in-case money” of $28 USD.  Unfortunately, I had to have my US driver’s license and Nica debit card to withdrawal money which are now also in the slick hands of the ladron.  I successfully canceled the Nica debit card so that crisis is averted, sucker.  So the point of this story is that I’m looking for a chauffeur when I come home to visit.  Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. Pedro... You don't have to literally get robbed for people to want to hang out with you. If you need a ride you let me know. As long as you don't mind a few sketchy places in the US and a few questionable scenarios (which history tells me you do not) then we'll be just fine. You let me know when, where, and the nearest costume store and I'll be there lickity split.
