
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Half way done with training!

Sunday, four of us hiked down to the Lagoona de Apollo which means Lagoon of Support.  It is important to note that it is NOT the Lagoon of Chicken (Pollo) as I had previously thought and inquired about numerous times (which in retrospect does explain the strange looks I received).  Anyway it was great.  After the tedious hour long hike down we swam in the crater of what used to be a volcano and snacked on mangos thanks to a kind stranger.  We also ran into some other gringos which was strange because it’s not a popular tourist destination.  But I finally got to have the conversation I’ve been waiting for.   The surfer chicks said they’re from The States and asked where we lived.  We shrugged and said nonchalantly, “Well, we live here”.  Like it’s no big deal.  Boom, you got Peace Corps-ed!  Here’s a couple fotos.

Caballo eating while we swim
Artsy at the beach
Yeah I could get used this...

As my more regular followers know, I’m taking this pretty potent malaria suppression medication.  Besides ensuring that mosquitos aren’t destroying my red blood cells, the meds come with some unfortunate side effects.  Apparently, besides suppression malaria, it also makes me photo-sensitive.  This does not mean that the medication helps me take excellent fotos (they are pretty good though aren’t they?) but rather a propensity to get sun burnt.  When Hitler was trying to get everyone on the pro-Arian bandwagon he neglected to consider how we fair skinned persons would fare near the equator.  Answer: not well.  In fact, KFC would classify me as “extra crispy”.  Now don’t judge and think that I didn’t use sunscreen.  I was applying and reapplying SPF 50 like it was going out of style.  The issue is that this country is SO hot and humid that with the amount of sweat a body produces, one is never dry enough to make sunblock effective.  I think I may have to investigate into FPS “Wool Sweater” because upon seeing me return from the lagoon my host family burst out laughing.

This week I’m teaching my second class at the local highschool.  The topic is creativity which should be interesting.  I’m also having an interview about my future site placement and another one assessing my language ability.  Gonna be busy as always!

In other news, my blog has had over 1050 page views (and no you snarky reader, it doesn’t include my visits).  Thanks for inflating my ego and making me feel important!  Feel free to post comments/questions and I’ll get back to you!

Que les vayan bien,