
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy birthday ‘MERICA!

I apologize for not writing more – I’ve been busy or life in Nicaragua has become such a routine for me that it doesn’t faze me anymore.  My house is, let’s say, half furnished!  I now have a bed, table, closet, rice cooker and 4 cool rocking chairs but I still lack a stove and fridge.  I’m hoping to acquire a stove top Sunday along with some other odds and ends.  Pictures and an amateur movie coming soon!

I spent the weekend in Managua with the rest of the business volunteers.  Saturday morning I was on a panel about business plan competition planning.  It went well but kind of surreal.  For the first time, I was giving advice to NEW business volunteers because I’ve been in Nicaragua for more than a year!  Crazy right?  I finished off the day eating Quiznos and kickin’ it with my fellow biz PCVs.

How will I be celebrating the birth of the greatest, bestest, awesomest nation on God’s good earth?  By teaching a class, womp womp.  But for dinner I’m going to try making chili in my rice cooker!  Wait Pedro, you have no cooking surface.  How will you brown the meat for the chili?  I won’t, that’s how.  Because (and I hate myself for admitting this) I will be using SOY MEAT.  Yes, while you, dear readers, will probably be out barbequing glorious burgers and hot dogs, I will be embracing my inner hippy and eating soy.

Saturday I will be giving a presentation to a savings and loan cooperative about marketing!  Then it’s off to a post 4th of July party with some volunteers.  Should be fun!


  1. 1 pound of soy meat = C$22 = < $1
    1 pound of ground beef = C$53 = $2.25


  2. I didn't know soy foods had made their way down to Nica yet
