
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

T minus 1 year!

According to my paychecks, my “Close of Service” is July 26th 2013.  That means I’m just about a year from saying adios Nicaragua!  In all honesty, it will probably be a little sooner because there’s about a month leeway to leave early for various reasons.  Many of you have been asking “Pedro, what will you do?”  To be frank, I’m not really sure.  Here is what I do know:

Instead of taking my government issued airfare, I’m going to ask for the face value in cash instead.  This will allow me the freedom to travel.  My plan is to head out to the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.  For those of you who know don’t know, the east coast is practically a different country.  The people are black instead of tan, speak Creole, and eat a lot of crab (YUM!).  From my pueblo in northern Nicaragua, it would probably take me approximately 10 hours by bus to get to the coast and then a couple boat rides to arrive in Bluefields, Pearl Lagoon and the Corn Islands.  If anyone is interested, I plan on bumming around in a hammock, drinking coconut milk and scuba diving for 2 weeks.
If time allows I would start heading south.  I’ve been to Costa Rica 3 times but I haven’t been able to really explore the country.  So a couple weeks in Costa Rica and then, if time/money permits me, I’d like to make it to Panama.  You can expect me back in the United States around September 1st 2013 unless…

Graduate School
…I get accepted into grad school.  I’m applying to the Instituto de Empresas in Madrid, Spain.  I’m applying for an 11 month program for a Masters in International Management.  It is a well renowned business school so I’m not holding my breath but I think it would be super exciting.  I am going to submit my application in September and will find out probably in December.  If for whatever reason they make the grave mistake of denying me…

Gimme a job!
…I will return home!  Don’t fret Mom and Dad, I don’t plan on being an unemployed 25 year old for long.  A fringe benefit of being a RPCV (Returned Peace Corps Volunteer) is that I’ll receive non-compete eligibility with the federal government.  Therefore, I’m going to apply to any government job in the Chicagoland area and if unsuccessful, Washington, D.C..

Sound good?  Cya in a year (or so)!

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