
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Third world entertainment

What do you do for fun when you live in a developing country and you only have less than $15 until your next paycheck?  Answer: a lot of hiking.

Mozonte near the boarder of Honduras
We peaked the pointy one in the background

I’ve also been quite the reader rabbit.  I finished the first 4 Harry Potters in Spanish, The Girl who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (in English BTDubs) and am now on to The Two Towers in espanol. 

Additionally, I used some gifted (thanks mom, dad, michelle) iTunes money to rent movies.  I’m working my way down Rotten Tomatoes 100 top rated movies.  Here’s the list: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/
iTunes has a spotty selection and I tried to find ones that were $2.99.

These past weeks I watched:
Mission Impossible 4 – not on the list but I heard it was good.  And I liked it.  Standard action movie.  Also made me want to go to Dubai.  Any takers?
Rear Window – an Alfred Hitchcock thriller with Jimmy Stewart.  I recommend it.
Deliver Us from Evil – a documentary about Father O’Grady that sexually abused children in California for decades.  Never heard of him before this and was shocked and appalled about the ordeal.  It was good if you like documentaries.
The Third Man – an Orson Wells classic.  A murder mystery in Vienna in post WWII.  It was the least favorite of the bunch but I can see why film buffs love it.  It’s worth seeing once.  And anyone want to tack on Vienna after our Dubai trip?
Patriot Games – would you believe Netflix works in Nicaragua??  Thanks to Cousin Jake for that!  Anyway, I watched my man crush Harrison Ford save the day.  Bonus points, I watched it in Spanish.

Any recommendations or want to gift me iTunes money??  :P


  1. Checked the Top 100 list and (if you haven't seen it), I recommend seeing The African Queen next. It's a Kelly Kloempken favorite.

  2. Already seen it! Next up is Scarface
