
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Marito's brithday

Host brother, Mario Noel, had his birthday last week. What is a typical nica birthday you ask? A nice dinner (I had a chicken breast, aka the most meat I’ve eaten in one sitting). If the family has money, sometime there will be a small gift given or a piƱata.
So being the awesome hermano that I am, I classed up the fiesta by making popcorn. Now the Nicas know what popcorn is but usually only eat it twice a year at the local festivals. This means that they most certainly had never seen it popped in a microwave. Cue the madness. With every kernel popped, there was a jump and scream in the form of an interpretive dance to the popcorn. After the necessary three minutes, the feasting began. They inhaled it like it was going out style. Even after I tried to convince them that there were nothing but un-popped kernels and salt left, they had to dump the entire contents on the floor to make sure. Luckily this mess was quickly (and enthusiastically) cleaned up by Rex, our dog.

1 comment:

  1. Pete I really wish they would have cast you out of their house / banished you from the country for being a witch.
