
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Business Formal

Now with my clean bill of health (white cell count is back to normal and no inflation!), I’ve been given permission to do other things besides eat and rest.  Cue Cocktail.  The Business Cocktail Party is put on to raise money for our national business plan competition.  We sell tickets to other volunteers (and Nicas with money to burn) in exchange for a ritzy night in the Holiday Inn Managua.  We also invite the Embassy and last year the Ambassador came.  $20 gets ya a nice dinner and dancing for 5 hours.  Plus rooms in the AWESOME Holiday Inn are only $60/night which is dirt cheap as well.  This year’s theme is Mascarade so my training group is printing out pictures of our faces and exchanging them!

After we wake up from a long night of “spreading the peace”, it will be Saturday.  Or maybe more commonly known as MICHELLE DAY!  Yup, my personal public relations specialist (and girlfriend) is coming to visit!  So get excited for some quality blog posts from a different perspective all next week!

1 comment:

  1. Pete,

    I am mucho happy that you are feeling better and descending back into your college years of boozing it up
