
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I get knocked down but I get up again

In my previous post about my supermega fun Friday, I forgot to mention a couple things.  Frist of all, apparently there was a hurricane which rocked all of Central America.  This led to a rainstorm of EPIC proportions.  It is impossible to describe what it is like to be living under a zinc roof during a tropical storm.  All I can say is that it downpoured for a solid 18 hours.  There was so much rain that the bridge that I need to take to get to Managua is now inaccessible.  Therefore, it delayed my journey to the capital for one day and I’m now safely in Managua!

The other issue the rain caused was my business plan competition.  Or the lack thereof.  With copious amounts of rain, there was no way we could hold the competition.  So that too has been postponed until further notice.  My other school districts are scheduled to hold theirs on Friday, Monday and Tuesday.  Please feel free to do your anti-raindance so we can actually have one these competitions!

Health wise, I’m as good as a gringo with a weak stomach in a third world country can be!  I’m hungry, have energy and already gained several pounds back (we can thank Quiznos and Burger King for that).  I’ve been taking huge advantage of solid internet, American TV, air-conditioning and hot water.  Getting sick may be the most fun I’ve had yet!  Thanks for all of your concerns and I assure you I feel great.

Cocktail party on Friday, more details to come!


  1. Yay! It's not nice to worry old people like that, you know! xo Auntie

  2. Good news! You need to have a few Baconators when you are back in the states!

  3. Hang in there Pete!

