
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life's a beach

So as my last post stated, I left sleepy little Pala for hip and happenin’ Leon.  For those of you who didn’t read a post back in June called “Vounteer Visit”, Leon is awesome.  It’s possible I’m jaded from such small town living but seeing supermarkets and restaurants make my jaw drop.

It was fellow Biz Nasty 56 PCV Ben’s bday so we all decided to meet up.  Leon is in western Nica near the Pacific Ocean.  It was amazing because 16 of 21 of our PCV swear-in group attended.  This is amazing because there are volunteers that live near Costa Rica, the Atlantic, or Honduras (me) and we all showed up.  It took 3 different buses and 6.5 hours (but only $2.60) to make the journey.  We stayed at a basic hostel (dorm style and community bathrooms) but it was literally on the beach.  Words don’t exist in English or Spanish that describe how nice it was take a break from rice and beans to sit in the sand eating fresh fish and drinking rum cocktails.  In addition, a PCV brought an AMERICAN football so we got to play some 4 v 4 touch (I made a heck of a catch, look for it on ESPN Deportes).

But the best part was the culmination of a multi-week project.  On our first day in Nica, we took a group photo of all of us new business trainees.  Our buddy, Matt, was unfortunately caught in perhaps the goofiest looking pose ever.  Therefore, for the past three weeks, we have been secretly taking turns photoshopping Matt into hysterical photos.  Overall, there have been about 20 submissions and we had to start a blog to keep them all straight.  So that Saturday night was the grand unveiling of all the photos and I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard.  And to top it all off, one PCV made a PINATA of Matt wearing the exact same clothes in the exact same stance as the original photo.  Hilarious.  So we all took turns taking shots at the piñata blindfolded while eating cake and ice cream.  By far, the greatest day of service.

Original foto

Matteo and his pinata
 It’s getting close to crunch time with finishing business plans.  I’ll keep ya posted!

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