
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Final Push

After a wonderful and refreshing vacation in the United States, I’m currently on my way back to the highlands of Nicaragua.  How, you may ask?  Here’s my past 36  hours:

Woke up at 5:30am
Took a taxi to the Norfolk bus station at 6:00
Hopped on a bus at 7am to Newport News’ train station.
Boarded a six hour train at 9:30am toward Baltimore’s BWI airport
At 6:00pm, flew to Fort Lauderdale
From Ft L, I flew to Managua and landed at 2:10am
Waited until 4am when the buses begin running to Esteli
Attended a safety and security meet from 9am to 3pm
Then one last bus 1 hour bus ride home!

Lets make my last 50 days count!


  1. And your next 36 hours?

    Pass out so hard even the chickens don't wake you up?

    1. I came home to find chicken enclosed in a space right outside my bedroom...
