
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Random Photos 1

One of my most dedicated followers, Michelle, requested that since “I live in such a cool place, you should take more photos”.  Since she has sent me 40+ letters and multiple care packages (step up your game rest of you!), I’m obligated to abide.  So in the future, be ready for seemingly random photos to be attached to posts.  Examples!

Where the peace-spreading machine get's his peace

This is where I catch the bus.
How to buy meat in Nicaragua:
1.  Set out meat uncovered
2.  Pick your choice cut with YOUR HANDS
3.  Place in a plastic bag and enjoy!
4.  (Optional: take antibiotics as a precautionary measure)

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