
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

First time back in the States

For a brief time only, Michelle and Pete are returning to the team-blogging! Pete interviewed me about my thoughts on the food, (lack of) amenities and the weather (to name a few) while I was in Nicaragua. Now let’s see how shell-shocked he is by his return to the first-world.

Gringa: You’ve been back for nearly a week. Now that you’ve experienced it, what first-world thing do you realize you missed the most?

PC Hippie: Maybe weirdly enough, customer service.  Here in the United States, people have exact change and don’t whine about accepting credit cards!  Also, in a couple of the bars that we went to, there were ATMs!  Where I live in Nicaragua, I have to travel 30 minutes to the nearest ATM and 45 minutes if I want to use the bank.

MAK: What thing did you think you missed, but you now realize you can live without?:

Pedro: The cold.  I have been complaining about how hot Nicaragua is from day one.  I thought it’d be a refreshing change to escape the 90 degree heat of Nicaragua for the more “temperate” Midwest.  Chicago has been blessed with reasonably mild weather this winter (40’s) but I have been a whiney baby the WHOLE time.  It’s been dark, gloomy and cold; why do you people live here??  Come visit me!

Micaela: Faithful blog followers have been going out of their way to help you eat all the requested foods on your list. For example, last night we hung out with some of your Bradley friends, and when we showed up at their place for a drink before dinner, Jon Trent had 312, Sam Adams and bacon waiting for you. Amazing. What is the best meal you’ve had since you’ve been home?

PJS: So many to choose from!  Michelle and I went to St. Louis for a wedding and ate crab cakes, filet mignon, asparagus and cake.  Then Sunday night, my parents made me lobster tail and steak.  And last night we got deep dish pizza in Chicago (green peppers, black olives and BACON).  I feel as though I’ve eaten so much I’m ready to hibernate for the winter.

Novia: Being back, any deep observations from the third world? Aka can’t believe U.S. kids have iPads and you/your host siblings play with chicken bones?

Novio: Haha, no it’s great to be back.  Transitioning cultures hasn’t been a perfect switch for me though.  For example, while driving home from the airport I stopped at an AT&T store for a new SIM card.  After successfully getting a new American number she thanked me for coming.  I, without hesitation, responded with “Gracias, adios.  Va pues…  Oh, um, goodbye.”

Gf: Haha, it’s so true. You greeted every girl you saw at the wedding – even strangers – by kissing them on the cheek. I worry what you’ll be like in 2013…

PCV: Yup, and darn proud of it too.  Plus side, I’m probably the tannest I’ve ever been.

Michelle: One final thing. You’ve been joking a lot about staying in Central America after your Peace Corps service is up, killing time until you can go work the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Want to take this time to publically reassure your girlfriend, mother and any other concerned followers that you are totally joking, and planning to make your way north in 2013? :)

Pete: Uh oh, time to go! We’ll talk more later :P

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