
This website expresses the views of Peter, who is responsible for its content, and whose views are independent of the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Keeping busy

Many people have been asking what I'm doing to prepare for my 2+ year stint in Nica.  The answer: Rosetta Stone.  Yes, I know what you're thinking "Pete, aren't you already fluent in Spanish?"  Mayhaps but I need to practice otherwise I could forget important phrases.  For example, today I was kindly reminded how to say "the boys drink" and "the woman runs".  Hopefully by the time May 10th rolls around I'll speaking five word phrases...


1 comment:

  1. i have a spanish phrase for you

    por favor tome mi riñón y los venden, pero asegúrese de poner mi cuerpo en una bañera llena de hielo

